A stroke is a sudden and acute failure of blood supply to the brain, due to internal bleeding or bleeding in the brain. It may cause irreversible brain damage. It often causes a severe decline in functioning, physical function (reflected by troubles walking and carrying out physical tasks), as well as cognitive abilities and other important activity of the brain. The main factors causing a stroke include hypertension, diabetes, smoking, damaged major or peripheral vessels and an excess of lipids.
The dietary supplements and catalysts created by Tivoni Company improve the proper oxygenation of the blood, prevent blockages and restore the cells which were damaged by lack of normal oxygenation.
Treatment by Tivoni
Remember, the usage of Tivoni system helps to prevent strokes for people who might suffer from it.
Of course, the initial stroke treatment can be given only in the emergency room. After the person is being discharged, a supplementary treatment can be given, depending on the situation and the recommendations given by the doctor.
Stroke | Direction for use | Monthly |
Cell Oxygen 2 | 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, with meal (start gradually). | 2 Bottles |
T-3 | 1 full tablespoon, 2-3 times a day, with cup of water or juice, far from meal. | 2 Boxes |
OmegaTiv | 2 capsules, twice a day, with meal. * Please note: Those who take Coumadin should consult their doctor. | 1-2 Boxes |
*For the most comprehensive and precise treatment, and in severe cases, please contact the Training Division of TIVONI by tivoni@tivoni.com |
Learn more
The stroke is a quick process, during which there is deterioration in brain functioning, and a visible retreat of the patient’s motor and mental functions. The stroke is being caused by a disorder of blood supply to the brain. The area in the brain which had lack of blood supply will be damaged temporarily or permanently, and as a consequence, the functions of the damaged areas of the brain will be affected severely.
The definition of stroke, given by the World Health Organization in 1970: “A neurological deficit which lasts over 24 hours or ends with death in 24 hours”.
The most common result of a stroke is damage of the motor function, mostly of one side of the body (the side of the damaged brain area), sensor loss (damaging the field of vision or the sense of smell, etc.), damage of the communicative functions (the ability to speak or understanding the speech) and more.
Types of disease
The first division of strokes is according to the symptoms:
- Symptomatic stroke – severe stroke, the consequences are visible immediately.
- “Quiet” stroke – damage to a brain area which isn’t apparent and thus, not immediately visible.
Another common categorization for stroke types:
- Ischemic stroke – a stroke caused by reduction of blood supply to a specific area of the brain. Ischemic stroke is caused mainly by thrombosis, embolism and blocks in the blood vessels and generally damaged blood supply, including injury of blood supply to the brain (for example, a massive blood loss) or venous thrombosis.
- Hemorrhagic stroke – a stroke caused by blood accumulation in the skull, caused mainly by inner bleeding of the skull or an intracranial bleeding.
The initial diagnosis is being made by questioning the patient or a person who attended the first occurrence of the symptoms, accompanied by physiological tests to reveal muscle weakness, decreased senses and reflective activity and others, all tests are being processed under hospital supervision.